Gone Baby Gone: What Happened to Baby Jarkeius Adside?

The babysitters of Jarkeius Adside claim three gunmen broke into their house and took him, but their story does not seem to be verified.

Corey Sobell
6 min readDec 6, 2022
Tamara Jones (seen above) holds a photo of her son, Jarkeius Adside, who has been missing since 2001 (Tia Chapman/Miami Herald)

Gwendolyn Brown had dropped her teenage daughter off at the bus stop in the early morning hours of October 18, 2001, and was walking back home; to a three-story house, which she shared with her common-law husband, Jeffrey Cochran. He was currently sleeping in his second-floor bedroom with little Jarkeius Adside. The toddler was the seventh child of Tamara Jones–Brown’s cousin–and was in her and Cochran’s temporary care following Jones’ arrest for shoplifting.

As Brown approached her front door, she heard movement from behind the bushes. Out of nowhere, three men with guns jumped out from the greenery. Before Brown could react, the gunmen grabbed her and ushered her inside, where they bound her with duct tape and made demands; they wanted money.

The men ordered Brown to walk upstairs and into Cochran’s bedroom. They tied Cochran with duct tape, grabbed the sleeping Jarkeius, and left the room. The terrified couple listened through the walls as the men ransacked their home for money and valuables. The intruders overturned furniture, threw clothes, and even tore open the ceiling…

